I love lazy Sundays... It's my favourite day of the week (besides Friday of course). Seeing as this is my first blog post, I thought I'd keep it pretty relaxed/do the usual 'what I did today' sorta thing that most bloggers do.
Anne of Green Gables was my lazy Sunday.
I've loved the book series since childhood, and adored the more recent movie series, just as much. I still remember the first time I laid eyes on L.M. Montgomery's books, and the friendly, freckle-faced Anne (with an 'e') Shirley. It was at my primary school's library when I was a little girl. Call it foolishness or judging a book by a cover, but from the moment I saw the book, I had a feeling that I needed to read it. And I did! And the rest.. as they say, is history. I've always felt like I connected with the character of Anne, because our personalities are so similar. I loved that I could relate to an imaginative dreamer with a great love for books... that also mirrored myself. As a little girl, I remember admiring her strong-will and independence (something that I still love about Anne today). But Anne's great friendship with Diana Barry would have to be my absolute favourite element of the entire book series.
"Miss Barry was a kindred spirit after all," Anne confided to Marilla, "You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she is. . . Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."
And like Anne, I also have had the pleasure of knowing a
truly kindred spirit in my lifetime. Last week, I received some very devastating news from a friend of mine, that one of our friends had sadly passed away. To be respectful for my dear friend, I will call her Amber instead of actually saying her real name (Amber was her favourite name). Amber was one of few kindred spirits that I've been blessed to meet and befriend in my lifetime. I first met Amber in high school (maybe known as junior high for any Americans reading this!) and from that very first moment, I could not only see that she was a beautiful girl, but I could feel it too.
The one thing I'll always remember about my lovely, dear friend is her big, happy smile, contagious personality and kind, caring nature. But I think the most beautiful thing (among many) about Amber was her ability to befriend anyone and everyone - something that not all of us are able to do or want to do. We all know that there's a school yard hierarchy in high school. Well, that didn't faze Amber - not at all. She was friends with everyone - no matter if you were the stereotypical 'nerd', 'geek', 'popular' or 'jock' ...She welcomed you into her life and heart. And that is what I truly loved about her. She loved you and appreciated you for who you were. I know that many people affectionately call their friends 'angel'... but I know with all my heart that my sweet friend, Amber is a
true angel. Spread your wings, sweet girl, because we all know that angels are meant to fly.
As Anne Shirley would say.. "True friends are always together in spirit."
À la prochaine foir...
(Til next time)